This oracle contract chains together two oracles from two different Curve liquidity pools and optionally applies stored_rates
to tokens with an existing rate oracle. By chaining oracles together, it facilitates the creation of lending oracle contracts without requiring the collateral asset to be paired directly against crvUSD. The first oracle contracts were deployed without considering the aggregated price of crvUSD, but experience has shown that it makes sense to include this value in the calculation. The respective differences are documented in the relevant sections.
These kinds of oracle contracts need to be deployed manually, as there is currently no Factory
to do so.
The source code of the following price oracle contracts can be found on GitHub:
Oracle Immutability
The oracle contracts are fully immutable. Once deployed, they cannot change any parameters, stop the price updates, or alter the pools used to calculate the prices. All relevant data required for the oracle to function is passed into the __init__
function during the deployment of the contract.
def __init__(
pools: DynArray[Pool, MAX_POOLS],
borrowed_ixs: DynArray[uint256, MAX_POOLS],
collateral_ixs: DynArray[uint256, MAX_POOLS]
POOLS = pools
pool_count: uint256 = 0
no_arguments: DynArray[bool, MAX_POOLS] = empty(DynArray[bool, MAX_POOLS])
use_rates: DynArray[bool, MAX_POOLS] = empty(DynArray[bool, MAX_POOLS])
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i == len(pools):
assert i != 0, "Wrong pool counts"
pool_count = i
# Find N
N: uint256 = 0
for j in range(MAX_COINS + 1):
success: bool = False
res: Bytes[32] = empty(Bytes[32])
success, res = raw_call(
_abi_encode(j, method_id=method_id("coins(uint256)")),
max_outsize=32, is_static_call=True, revert_on_failure=False)
if not success:
assert j != 0, "No coins(0)"
N = j
assert borrowed_ixs[i] != collateral_ixs[i]
assert borrowed_ixs[i] < N
assert collateral_ixs[i] < N
# Init variables for raw call
success: bool = False
# Check and record if pool requires coin id in argument or no
if N == 2:
res: Bytes[32] = empty(Bytes[32])
success, res = raw_call(
_abi_encode(empty(uint256), method_id=method_id("price_oracle(uint256)")),
max_outsize=32, is_static_call=True, revert_on_failure=False)
if not success:
res: Bytes[1024] = empty(Bytes[1024])
success, res = raw_call(pools[i].address, method_id("stored_rates()"), max_outsize=1024, is_static_call=True, revert_on_failure=False)
stored_rates: DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS] = empty(DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS])
if success and len(res) > 0:
stored_rates = _abi_decode(res, DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS])
u: bool = False
for r in stored_rates:
if r != 10**18:
u = True
def __init__(
pools: DynArray[Pool, MAX_POOLS],
borrowed_ixs: DynArray[uint256, MAX_POOLS],
collateral_ixs: DynArray[uint256, MAX_POOLS],
agg: StableAggregator
POOLS = pools
pool_count: uint256 = 0
no_arguments: DynArray[bool, MAX_POOLS] = empty(DynArray[bool, MAX_POOLS])
use_rates: DynArray[bool, MAX_POOLS] = empty(DynArray[bool, MAX_POOLS])
AGG = agg
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i == len(pools):
assert i != 0, "Wrong pool counts"
pool_count = i
# Find N
N: uint256 = 0
for j in range(MAX_COINS + 1):
success: bool = False
res: Bytes[32] = empty(Bytes[32])
success, res = raw_call(
_abi_encode(j, method_id=method_id("coins(uint256)")),
max_outsize=32, is_static_call=True, revert_on_failure=False)
if not success:
assert j != 0, "No coins(0)"
N = j
assert borrowed_ixs[i] != collateral_ixs[i]
assert borrowed_ixs[i] < N
assert collateral_ixs[i] < N
# Init variables for raw call
success: bool = False
# Check and record if pool requires coin id in argument or no
if N == 2:
res: Bytes[32] = empty(Bytes[32])
success, res = raw_call(
_abi_encode(empty(uint256), method_id=method_id("price_oracle(uint256)")),
max_outsize=32, is_static_call=True, revert_on_failure=False)
if not success:
res: Bytes[1024] = empty(Bytes[1024])
success, res = raw_call(pools[i].address, method_id("stored_rates()"), max_outsize=1024, is_static_call=True, revert_on_failure=False)
stored_rates: DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS] = empty(DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS])
if success and len(res) > 0:
stored_rates = _abi_decode(res, DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS])
u: bool = False
for r in stored_rates:
if r != 10**18:
u = True
NO_ARGUMENT = no_arguments
BORROWED_IX = borrowed_ixs
COLLATERAL_IX = collateral_ixs
if pool_count == 0:
pool_count = MAX_POOLS
POOL_COUNT = pool_count
USE_RATES = use_rates
Oracle Price¶
The price is determined by combining two different oracle prices. When necessary, stored_rates
are used to adjust the final computed price from these combined oracles.
For example, suppose the oracle price of Token/ETH is 0.05, and the oracle price of ETH/crvUSD is 1000. The computed price of Token/crvUSD would then be calculated as follows:
\(\text{price} = 0.05 \times 1000 = 50\)
This calculation indicates that one Token is equivalent to 50 crvUSD.
CryptoFromPoolsRate.price() -> uint256
Getter for the price of the collateral denominated against the borrowed token. E.g. a market with pufETH as collateral and crvUSD borrowable, the price will return the pufETH price with regard to crvUSD.
Returns: oracle price (uint256
Source code
The CryptoFromPoolsRate.vy
oracle contract does not take the aggregated price of crvUSD from the PriceAggregator.vy
contract into account. Experience has shown that it makes sense to include this value in the oracle calculations. This is implemented in the CryptoFromPoolsRateWAgg.vy
oracle contract.
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
def price() -> uint256:
return self._unscaled_price() * self._stored_rate()[0] / 10**18
def _unscaled_price() -> uint256:
_price: uint256 = 10**18
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i >= POOL_COUNT:
p_borrowed: uint256 = 10**18
p_collateral: uint256 = 10**18
p: uint256 = POOLS[i].price_oracle()
if COLLATERAL_IX[i] > 0:
p_collateral = p
p_borrowed = p
if BORROWED_IX[i] > 0:
p_borrowed = POOLS[i].price_oracle(unsafe_sub(BORROWED_IX[i], 1))
if COLLATERAL_IX[i] > 0:
p_collateral = POOLS[i].price_oracle(unsafe_sub(COLLATERAL_IX[i], 1))
_price = _price * p_collateral / p_borrowed
return _price
def _stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
use_rates: bool = False
rate: uint256 = 0
rate, use_rates = self._raw_stored_rate()
if not use_rates:
return rate, use_rates
cached_rate: uint256 = self.cached_rate
if cached_rate == 0 or cached_rate == rate:
return rate, use_rates
if rate > cached_rate:
return min(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 + RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp)) / 10**18), use_rates
return max(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 - min(RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp), 10**18)) / 10**18), use_rates
def _raw_stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
rate: uint256 = 10**18
use_rates: bool = False
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i == POOL_COUNT:
if USE_RATES[i]:
use_rates = True
rates: DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS] = POOLS[i].stored_rates()
rate = rate * rates[COLLATERAL_IX[i]] / rates[BORROWED_IX[i]]
return rate, use_rates
interface StableAggregator:
def price() -> uint256: view
def price_w() -> uint256: nonpayable
def stablecoin() -> address: view
AGG: public(immutable(StableAggregator))
def price() -> uint256:
return self._unscaled_price() * self._stored_rate()[0] / 10**18 * AGG.price() / 10**18
def _unscaled_price() -> uint256:
_price: uint256 = 10**18
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i >= POOL_COUNT:
p_borrowed: uint256 = 10**18
p_collateral: uint256 = 10**18
p: uint256 = POOLS[i].price_oracle()
if COLLATERAL_IX[i] > 0:
p_collateral = p
p_borrowed = p
if BORROWED_IX[i] > 0:
p_borrowed = POOLS[i].price_oracle(unsafe_sub(BORROWED_IX[i], 1))
if COLLATERAL_IX[i] > 0:
p_collateral = POOLS[i].price_oracle(unsafe_sub(COLLATERAL_IX[i], 1))
_price = _price * p_collateral / p_borrowed
return _price
def _stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
use_rates: bool = False
rate: uint256 = 0
rate, use_rates = self._raw_stored_rate()
if not use_rates:
return rate, use_rates
cached_rate: uint256 = self.cached_rate
if cached_rate == 0 or cached_rate == rate:
return rate, use_rates
if rate > cached_rate:
return min(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 + RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp)) / 10**18), use_rates
return max(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 - min(RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp), 10**18)) / 10**18), use_rates
def _raw_stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
rate: uint256 = 10**18
use_rates: bool = False
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i == POOL_COUNT:
if USE_RATES[i]:
use_rates = True
rates: DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS] = POOLS[i].stored_rates()
rate = rate * rates[COLLATERAL_IX[i]] / rates[BORROWED_IX[i]]
return rate, use_rates
CryptoFromPoolsRate.price_w() -> uint256
This function calculates and writes the price while updating cached_rate
and cached_timestamp
. It is invoked whenever the _exchange
function is called within the AMM contract of the lending market.
Returns: oracle price (uint256
Source code
The CryptoFromPoolsRate.vy
oracle contract does not take the aggregated price of crvUSD from the PriceAggregator.vy
contract into account. Experience has shown that it makes sense to include this value in the oracle calculations. This is implemented in the CryptoFromPoolsRateWAgg.vy
oracle contract.
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
def price_w() -> uint256:
return self._unscaled_price() * self._stored_rate_w() / 10**18
def _unscaled_price() -> uint256:
_price: uint256 = 10**18
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i >= POOL_COUNT:
p_borrowed: uint256 = 10**18
p_collateral: uint256 = 10**18
p: uint256 = POOLS[i].price_oracle()
if COLLATERAL_IX[i] > 0:
p_collateral = p
p_borrowed = p
if BORROWED_IX[i] > 0:
p_borrowed = POOLS[i].price_oracle(unsafe_sub(BORROWED_IX[i], 1))
if COLLATERAL_IX[i] > 0:
p_collateral = POOLS[i].price_oracle(unsafe_sub(COLLATERAL_IX[i], 1))
_price = _price * p_collateral / p_borrowed
return _price
def _stored_rate_w() -> uint256:
rate: uint256 = 0
use_rates: bool = False
rate, use_rates = self._stored_rate()
if use_rates:
self.cached_rate = rate
self.cached_timestamp = block.timestamp
return rate
def _stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
use_rates: bool = False
rate: uint256 = 0
rate, use_rates = self._raw_stored_rate()
if not use_rates:
return rate, use_rates
cached_rate: uint256 = self.cached_rate
if cached_rate == 0 or cached_rate == rate:
return rate, use_rates
if rate > cached_rate:
return min(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 + RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp)) / 10**18), use_rates
return max(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 - min(RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp), 10**18)) / 10**18), use_rates
interface StableAggregator:
def price() -> uint256: view
def price_w() -> uint256: nonpayable
def stablecoin() -> address: view
AGG: public(immutable(StableAggregator))
def price_w() -> uint256:
return self._unscaled_price() * self._stored_rate_w() / 10**18 * AGG.price_w() / 10**18
def _unscaled_price() -> uint256:
_price: uint256 = 10**18
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i >= POOL_COUNT:
p_borrowed: uint256 = 10**18
p_collateral: uint256 = 10**18
p: uint256 = POOLS[i].price_oracle()
if COLLATERAL_IX[i] > 0:
p_collateral = p
p_borrowed = p
if BORROWED_IX[i] > 0:
p_borrowed = POOLS[i].price_oracle(unsafe_sub(BORROWED_IX[i], 1))
if COLLATERAL_IX[i] > 0:
p_collateral = POOLS[i].price_oracle(unsafe_sub(COLLATERAL_IX[i], 1))
_price = _price * p_collateral / p_borrowed
return _price
def _stored_rate_w() -> uint256:
rate: uint256 = 0
use_rates: bool = False
rate, use_rates = self._stored_rate()
if use_rates:
self.cached_rate = rate
self.cached_timestamp = block.timestamp
return rate
def _stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
use_rates: bool = False
rate: uint256 = 0
rate, use_rates = self._raw_stored_rate()
if not use_rates:
return rate, use_rates
cached_rate: uint256 = self.cached_rate
if cached_rate == 0 or cached_rate == rate:
return rate, use_rates
if rate > cached_rate:
return min(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 + RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp)) / 10**18), use_rates
return max(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 - min(RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp), 10**18)) / 10**18), use_rates
The oracle contract utilizes the stored_rates
from a stableswap pool and considers these rates accordingly. The application of these rates is governed by the USE_RATES
variable. If set to true
, the rates are applied; if set to false
, they are not.
Source code
RATE_MAX_SPEED: constant(uint256) = 10**16 / 60 # Max speed of Rate change
def _stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
use_rates: bool = False
rate: uint256 = 0
rate, use_rates = self._raw_stored_rate()
if not use_rates:
return rate, use_rates
cached_rate: uint256 = self.cached_rate
if cached_rate == 0 or cached_rate == rate:
return rate, use_rates
if rate > cached_rate:
return min(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 + RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp)) / 10**18), use_rates
return max(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 - min(RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp), 10**18)) / 10**18), use_rates
Based on the values of rate
and cached_rate
, specific calculations are required to account for changes in rates:
If the
is 0 (indicating that no rates need to be applied) or equal to the actualrate
(meaning no rate changes have occurred since the last update), there is no need to do additional calculations to obtain therate
value. -
rate > cached_rate
, the rate is calculated as follows: \(\text{rate} = \min\left(\text{rate}, \frac{\text{cached_rate} \times \left(10^{18} + \text{RATE_MAX_SPEED} \times (\text{block.timestamp} - \text{cached_timestamp})\right)}{10^{18}}\right)\) This calculation aims to smoothly increase the rate, capping it at a calculated maximum based on theRATE_MAX_SPEED
and the time elapsed since the last cache update. -
In all other cases, where the rate has decreased, it is calculated as follows: \(\text{rate} = \max\left(\text{rate}, \frac{\text{cached_rate} \times \left(10^{18} - \min\left(\text{RATE_MAX_SPEED} \times (\text{block.timestamp} - \text{cached_timestamp}), 10^{18}\right)\right)}{10^{18}}\right)\) This formula ensures that the rate does not decrease too rapidly, with the reduction bounded by a minimum that considers the
and the elapsed time.
CryptoFromPoolsRate.stored_rate() -> uint256
Getter for the stored rates fetched from a stableswap pool.
The stored_rate
is calculated the following:
Returns: stored rate (uint256
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
def stored_rate() -> uint256:
return self._stored_rate()[0]
def _stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
use_rates: bool = False
rate: uint256 = 0
rate, use_rates = self._raw_stored_rate()
if not use_rates:
return rate, use_rates
cached_rate: uint256 = self.cached_rate
if cached_rate == 0 or cached_rate == rate:
return rate, use_rates
if rate > cached_rate:
return min(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 + RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp)) / 10**18), use_rates
return max(rate, cached_rate * (10**18 - min(RATE_MAX_SPEED * (block.timestamp - self.cached_timestamp), 10**18)) / 10**18), use_rates
def _raw_stored_rate() -> (uint256, bool):
rate: uint256 = 10**18
use_rates: bool = False
for i in range(MAX_POOLS):
if i == POOL_COUNT:
if USE_RATES[i]:
use_rates = True
rates: DynArray[uint256, MAX_COINS] = POOLS[i].stored_rates()
rate = rate * rates[COLLATERAL_IX[i]] / rates[BORROWED_IX[i]]
return rate, use_rates
CryptoFromPoolsRate.cached_rate() -> uint256: view
Getter for the cached rate. This value is updated whenever the price_w
method is called.
Returns: cached rate (uint256
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
cached_rate: public(uint256)
def price_w() -> uint256:
return self._unscaled_price() * self._stored_rate_w() / 10**18
def _stored_rate_w() -> uint256:
rate: uint256 = 0
use_rates: bool = False
rate, use_rates = self._stored_rate()
if use_rates:
self.cached_rate = rate
self.cached_timestamp = block.timestamp
return rate
CryptoFromPoolsRate.cached_timestamp() -> uint256: view
Getter for the cached timestamp. This value is updated whenever the price_w
method is called.
Returns: cached timestamp (uint256
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
cached_timestamp: public(uint256)
def price_w() -> uint256:
return self._unscaled_price() * self._stored_rate_w() / 10**18
def _stored_rate_w() -> uint256:
rate: uint256 = 0
use_rates: bool = False
rate, use_rates = self._stored_rate()
if use_rates:
self.cached_rate = rate
self.cached_timestamp = block.timestamp
return rate
CryptoFromPoolsRate.USE_RATES(arg0: uint256) -> bool: view
Getter method to check wether the pool at index arg0
uses rates or not. Pool indices are fetched via POOLS
Returns: whether to apply rates or not (bool
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Pool index. |
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
Contract Info Methods¶
CryptoFromPoolsRate.POOLS(arg0: uint256) -> address: view
Getter for the liquidity pools used in the oracle contract.
Returns: pool contract (address
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Pool index. |
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
CryptoFromPoolsRate.POOL_COUNT() -> uint256: view
Getter for the total amount of pools used in the oracle contract.
Returns: amount of pools (uint256
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
CryptoFromPoolsRate.BORROWED_IX(arg0: uint256) -> uint256: view
Getter for the index of the borrowed token in the chain together pools. If the oracle contract is for an asset that has a rate, this method will return the coin indices of the "base asset". E.g., for pufETH, this method will return the index of wstETH in the pools and later, when calculating the price of pufETH, the rates are applied.
Returns: coin index (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Pool index to check BORROWED_IX for. |
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
CryptoFromPoolsRate.COLLATERAL_IX(arg0: uint256) -> uint256: view
Getter for the index of the collateral token within the pool.
Returns: coin index (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Pool index to check COLLATERAL_IX for. |
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
CryptoFromPoolsRate.NO_ARGUMENT(arg0: uin256) -> bool: view
Getter for the NO_ARGUMENT
storage variable. This is an additional variable to ensure the correct price oracle is fetched from a pool.
Returns: true or false (bool)
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Pool index. |
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.
CryptoFromPoolsRate.AGG() -> address: view
This AGG
storage variable is only used within the CryptoFromPoolsRateWAgg
Getter for the crvUSD PriceAggregator
contract. This value is immutable and set at contract initialization.
Returns: PriceAggregator
Source code
The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.