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StableSwap-NG Factory: Overview

The CurveStableswapFactoryNG.vy allows the permissionless deployment of up to eight-coin plain- and metapools, as well as gauges. Liquidity pool and LP token share the same contract. For more details, see here: StableSwap-NG Documentation.


The source code of the CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.vy can be found on GitHub .
A list of all deployments can be found here.

Asset Types

Stableswap-NG pools supports various tokens with different asset types. New asset types can be added by the admin of the contract via the add_asset_type method. For a list of all supported assets, please see Deployer API.


CurveStableswapFactoryNG.asset_types(arg0: uint8) -> String[20]

Getter for name of the different asset types.

Returns: asset type (String[20])

Input Type Description
arg0 uint8 Index value of the asset type
Source code
asset_types: public(HashMap[uint8, String[20]])
>>> CurveStableswapFactoryNG.asset_types(0)

>>> CurveStableswapFactoryNG.asset_types(1)


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.add_asset_type(_id: uint8, _name: String[10])

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to add a new asset type.

Input Type Description
_id uint8 Asset type ID
_name String[10] Name of the new asset type
Source code
asset_types: public(HashMap[uint8, String[20]])

def add_asset_type(_id: uint8, _name: String[10]):
    @notice Admin only method that adds a new asset type.
    @param _id asset type id.
    @param _name Name of the asset type.
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin only
    self.asset_types[_id] = _name

Base Pools

StableSwap pools also allow the deployment of metapools (an asset paired against a base pool). When deploying a new Factory, the existing base pools must be manually added to the contract for them to be used for metapools.

Limitations when adding new base pools:

  • Rebasing tokens are not allowed in a base pool.
  • Can not add a base pool that contains native tokens (e.g., ETH).
  • As much as possible: Use standard ERC20 tokens.


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.add_base_pool(_base_pool: address, _base_lp_token: address, _asset_types: DynArray[uint8, MAX_COINS], _n_coins: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to add a new base pool.

Emits: BasePoolAdded

Input Type Description
_base_pool address Pool address to add as a base pool
_base_lp_token address LP token address of the pool
_asset_types DynArray[uint8, MAX_COINS] Array of asset types of the pool
_n_coins uint256 Number of coins in the base pool
Source code
event BasePoolAdded:
    base_pool: address

def add_base_pool(
    _base_pool: address,
    _base_lp_token: address,
    _asset_types: DynArray[uint8, MAX_COINS],
    _n_coins: uint256,
    @notice Add a base pool to the registry, which may be used in factory metapools
    @dev 1. Only callable by admin
        1. Rebasing tokens are not allowed in the base pool.
        2. Do not add base pool which contains native tokens (e.g. ETH).
        3. As much as possible: use standard ERC20 tokens.
        Should you choose to deviate from these recommendations, audits are advised.
    @param _base_pool Pool address to add
    @param _asset_types Asset type for pool, as an integer
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    assert 2 not in _asset_types  # dev: rebasing tokens cannot be in base pool
    assert len(self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].coins) == 0  # dev: pool exists
    assert _n_coins < MAX_COINS  # dev: base pool can only have (MAX_COINS - 1) coins.

    # add pool to pool_list
    length: uint256 = self.base_pool_count
    self.base_pool_list[length] = _base_pool
    self.base_pool_count = length + 1
    self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].lp_token = _base_lp_token
    self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].n_coins = _n_coins
    self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].asset_types = _asset_types

    decimals: uint256 = 0
    coins: DynArray[address, MAX_COINS] = empty(DynArray[address, MAX_COINS])
    coin: address = empty(address)
    for i in range(MAX_COINS):
        if i == _n_coins:
        coin = CurvePool(_base_pool).coins(i)
        assert coin != 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE  # dev: native token is not supported
        self.base_pool_assets[coin] = True
        decimals += (ERC20(coin).decimals() << i*8)
    self.base_pool_data[_base_pool].decimals = decimals

    log BasePoolAdded(_base_pool)


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.base_pool_list(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Getter for the base pool at index arg0.

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index of the base pool
Source code
base_pool_list: public(address[4294967296])   # list of base pools
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.base_pool_list(0)


The StableSwap-NG Factory makes use of blueprint contracts to deploy its contracts from the implementations.


Implementation contracts are upgradable. They can either be replaced, or additional implementation contracts can be added. Therefore, please always make sure to check the most recent ones.

It utilizes five different implementations:

  • pool_implementations, containing multiple blueprint contracts that are used to deploy plain pools.
  • metapool_implementations, containing multiple blueprint contracts that are used to deploy metapools.
  • math_implementation, containing math functions used in the AMM.
  • gauge_implementation, containing a blueprint contract that is used when deploying gauges for pools.1
  • views_implementation, containing a view methods contract relevant for integrators and users looking to interact with the AMMs.

More on the Math Implementation and Views Implementation.

Query Implementations


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.pool_implementations(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the pool implementations. There might be multiple pool implementations base on various circumstances.

Returns: implementation (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 index value of the implementation
Source code
# index -> implementation address
pool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.pool_implementation(0)


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.metapool_implementations(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the pool implementations at index arg0. This variable can hold multiple implementations which may be tailored for specific setups.

Returns: pool implementation (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index of the pool implementation
Source code
# index -> implementation address
metapool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.metapool_implementation(0)


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.math_implementations() -> address: view

Getter for the math implementation.

Returns: math implementation (address).

Source code
# index -> implementation address
math_implementation: public(address)
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.math_implementation()


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.gauge_implementations() -> address: view

Getter for the gauge implementation.

Returns: gauge implementation (address).

Source code
# index -> implementation address
gauge_implementation: public(address)
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.gauge_implementation()


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.views_implementations() -> address: view

Getter for the views implementation.

Returns: views implementation (address).

Source code
# index -> implementation address
views_implementation: public(address)
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.views_implementation()

Setting New Implementations

New implementation can be by the admin of the contract using the following functions:


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_pool_implementations(_implementation_index: uint256, _implementation: address,):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set/add a new pool implementation. Existing implementations can be overritten or additionly implementations at another (not set index) can be added.2

Input Type Description
_implementation_index uint256 Index value at which the new implementation is set
_implementation address Implementation contract address
Source code
# index -> implementation address
pool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])

def set_pool_implementations(
    _implementation_index: uint256,
    _implementation: address,
    @notice Set implementation contracts for pools
    @dev Only callable by admin
    @param _implementation_index Implementation index where implementation is stored
    @param _implementation Implementation address to use when deploying plain pools
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    self.pool_implementations[_implementation_index] = _implementation
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_pool_implementations('todo')


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_pool_implementations(_implementation_index: uint256, _implementation: address,):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set/add a new metapool implementation. Existing implementations can be overritten or additionly implementations at another (not set index) can be added.3

Input Type Description
_implementation_index uint256 Index value at which the new implementation is set
_implementation address Implementation contract address
Source code
# index -> implementation address
pool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
metapool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
math_implementation: public(address)
gauge_implementation: public(address)
views_implementation: public(address)

def set_metapool_implementations(
    _implementation_index: uint256,
    _implementation: address,
    @notice Set implementation contracts for metapools
    @dev Only callable by admin
    @param _implementation_index Implementation index where implementation is stored
    @param _implementation Implementation address to use when deploying meta pools
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    self.metapool_implementations[_implementation_index] = _implementation
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_metapool_implementations('todo')


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_math_implementation(_math_implementation: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set a new math implementation. There can only be one math implementation.

Input Type Description
_math_implementation address New math implementation contract address
Source code
# index -> implementation address
pool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
metapool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
math_implementation: public(address)
gauge_implementation: public(address)
views_implementation: public(address)

def set_math_implementation(_math_implementation: address):
    @notice Set implementation contracts for StableSwap Math
    @dev Only callable by admin
    @param _math_implementation Address of the math implementation contract
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    self.math_implementation = _math_implementation
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_math_implementations('todo')


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_gauge_implementation(_gauge_implementation: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract. There can only be one gauge implementation.

Function to set a new gauge implementation.

Input Type Description
_gauge_implementation address New gauge implementation contract address
Source code
# index -> implementation address
pool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
metapool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
math_implementation: public(address)
gauge_implementation: public(address)
views_implementation: public(address)

def set_gauge_implementation(_gauge_implementation: address):
    @notice Set implementation contracts for liquidity gauge
    @dev Only callable by admin
    @param _gauge_implementation Address of the gauge blueprint implementation contract
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    self.gauge_implementation = _gauge_implementation
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_gauge_implementations('todo')


CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_views_implementation(_views_implementation: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract. There can only be one views implementation.

Function to set a new views implementation.

Input Type Description
_views_implementation address New views implementation contract address
Source code
# index -> implementation address
pool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
metapool_implementations: public(HashMap[uint256, address])
math_implementation: public(address)
gauge_implementation: public(address)
views_implementation: public(address)

def set_views_implementation(_views_implementation: address):
    @notice Set implementation contracts for Views methods
    @dev Only callable by admin
    @param _views_implementation Implementation address of views contract
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    self.views_implementation = _views_implementation
>>> CurveStableSwapFactoryNG.set_views_implementations('todo')

  1. The gauge_implementation is only relevant on Ethereum mainnet. Liquidity gauges on sidechains need to be deployed through the RootChainGaugeFactory

  2. This only works for pool_implementations and metapool_implementations. For other the implementations, only a single contract can be set. 

  3. This only works for pool_implementations and metapool_implementations. For other the implementations, only a single contract can be set.