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Curve Lending: Deployment Addresses


The source code for all lending-relevant contracts can be found on GitHub.


Implementation contracts are upgradable. They can be either replaced or additional implementation contracts can be set. Therefore, please always make sure to check the most recent ones.

As the creation of lending markets is permissionless, listing all deployed vaults and their correpsonding contracts would exceed the scope of this section. The Factory contract has a market_count variable which represents the total number of markets created, as well as a vaults(arg0: uint256) which returns the vault address at a specific index.

For more informations, please refer to the Factory documentation.

AMM, Controller, and Price Oracle contracts and other variables of a vault can simply be queried:

>>> Vault.amm()
>>> Vault.controller()
>>> Vault.price_oracle()

For more informations, please refer to the Vault documentation.


Contract Type Contract Address
AMM implementation 0xB57A959cdB3D5e460f9a7Cc48ed05ec29dfF049a
Controller implementation 0x584B0Fd8F038fe8AEDf4057Ca3cB3D840446fBbf
Vault implementation 0xc014F34D5Ba10B6799d76b0F5ACdEEe577805085
Pool price oracle implementation 0xC455e6c7936C2382f04306D329ABc5d36444D3F8
Monetary Policy Implementation 0x4863c6dF17dD59311B7f67E694DD835ADC87f2d3
Gauge Implementation 0x79D584d2D49eC8CE8Ea379d69364b700bd35874D
OneWay Lending Factory 0xeA6876DDE9e3467564acBeE1Ed5bac88783205E0


Contract Type Contract Address
AMM implementation 0xaA2377F39419F8f4CB98885076c41fE547C65a6A
Controller implementation 0x2287b7b2bF3d82c3ecC11ca176F4B4F35f920775
Vault implementation 0x104e15102E4Cf33e0e2cB7C304D406B523B04d7a
Pool price oracle implementation 0x57390a776A2312eF8BFc25e8624483303Dd8DfF8
Monetary Policy Implementation 0x0b3536245faDABCF091778C4289caEbDc2c8f5C1
OneWay Lending Factory 0xcaEC110C784c9DF37240a8Ce096D352A75922DeA


The deployments on Optimism were done using a new implementation of the Controller.vy contract and a slightly modified Vault.vy contract. Commit b0240d8 contains the changes.

Contract Type Contract Address
AMM implementation 0x40b8c0c9186eAEaf84023d81CD2a709e81fCFbC1
Controller implementation 0xCc65F473815c97bDe543Db458358F09852eDb5B4
Vault implementation 0x3B1DF11b96b2F5525aBe75eebeFb1ce0928d2411
Pool price oracle implementation 0x227c9AD884e0E32a698FB38ba0511eE36fA92b7d
Monetary Policy Implementation 0xa2294769e9CFA9Fd029030F7be94E2602821677B
OneWay Lending Factory 0x5EA8f3D674C70b020586933A0a5b250734798BeF


The deployments on Fraxtal were done using a new implementation of the Controller.vy contract and a slightly modified Vault.vy contract. Commit b0240d8 contains the changes.

Contract Type Contract Address
AMM implementation 0x59CfFdC8cf8b9b71D91Da6de480c957993020E8A
Controller implementation 0x7002B727Ef8F5571Cb5F9D70D13DBEEb4dFAe9d1
Vault implementation 0xc1DB00a8E5Ef7bfa476395cdbcc98235477cDE4E
Pool price oracle implementation 0x0cD5A1e9E19Af1f1b910Ac3C3452A16B2B37155b
Monetary Policy Implementation 0x86D347cE5f1E6f7Ef4Da00FB7c8d31fBD16996F0
OneWay Lending Factory 0xf3c9bdAB17B7016fBE3B77D17b1602A7db93ac66