
The TwoCrypto-NG contract infrastructure represents an optimized version of Curve Finance Crypto pools.

Contract Source & Deployment

Source code is available on GitHub.

A full list of all deployments can be found here.

The AMM infrastructure involves the following parts:

  • AMM blueprint contracts

    The AMM is a 2-coin, auto-rebalancing Cryptoswap implementation. The contract is version 2.0.0, with several optimizations that make the contract more cost-effective for the end user. Additionally, unlike the older version, the pool contract is an ERC20-compliant LP token.

    Also, unlike the older version, the pool contract is an ERC20-compliant LP token as well.

    The AMMs have a hardcoded ADMIN_FEE, set to 50% of the earned profits.

  • Factory

    The Factory allows the permissionless deployment of liquidity pools. It can accommodate multiple blueprints of the AMM contract (deployed on-chain). These blueprints are specified by the user while deploying the pool. Similarly, liquidity gauges for pools can be deployed through the factory contract, utilizing the liquidity gauge blueprint contract.

    The admin of the contract can also implement parameter changes to the AMMs, change the fee recipient, and upgrade or add blueprint implementations stored in the Factory.

  • Views Contract

    The Views contract contains view methods relevant for integrators and users looking to interact with the AMMs. Unlike the older tricrypto contracts, the address of the deployed Views contract is stored in the Factory: users are advised to query the stored views contract since it is upgradeable by the Factory's admin.

  • Math Contract

    A contract which contains different math functions used in the AMM.

  • Liquidity Gauge blueprint contract

    A liquidity gauge blueprint contract which deploys a liquidiy gauge of a pool on Ethereum.

    Even though Factories on sidechains and L2s also have a gauge blueprint implementation variable, this one is set to ZERO_ADDRESS as those gauges work a bit differently than the gauge on the Ethereum mainnet. On sidechains, gauges need to be deployed via the RootChainGaugeFactory.