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Price Aggregator

The AggregateStablePrice.vy contract is designed to get an aggregated price of crvUSD based on multiple multiple stableswap pools weighted by their TVL.


There are three iterations of the AggregateStablePrice contract. Source code for the contracts can be found on GitHub.

The AggregateStablePrice.vy contract has been deployed on Ethereum and Arbitrum.

This aggregated price of crvUSD is used in multiple different components in the system such as in monetary policy contracts, PegKeepers or oracles for lending markets.


The AggregateStablePrice contract calculates the weighted average price of crvUSD across multiple liquidity pools, considering only those pools with sufficient liquidity (MIN_LIQUIDITY = 100,000 * 10**18). The calculation is based on the exponential moving average (EMA) of the Total-Value-Locked (TVL) for each pool, determining the liquidity considered in the price aggregation.

EMA TVL Calculation

The price calculation starts with determining the EMA of the TVL from different Curve Stableswap liquidity pools using the _ema_tvl function. This internal function computes the EMA TVLs based on the formula below, which adjusts for the time since the last update to smooth out short-term volatility in the TVL data, providing a more stable and representative average value over the specified time window (TVL_MA_TIME = 50000):

\[\alpha = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if last_timestamp} = \text{current_timestamp}, \\ e^{-\frac{(\text{current_timestamp} - \text{last_timestamp}) * 10^{18}}{\text{TVL_MA_TIME}}} & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \]
\[\text{ema_tvl}_{i} = \frac{\text{new_tvl}_i * (10^{18} - \alpha) + \text{tvl}_i * \alpha}{10^{18}}\]

The code snippet provided illustrates the implementation of the above formula in the contract.

Source code for _ema_tvl
TVL_MA_TIME: public(constant(uint256)) = 50000  # s

def _ema_tvl() -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]:
    tvls: DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS] = []
    last_timestamp: uint256 = self.last_timestamp
    alpha: uint256 = 10**18
    if last_timestamp < block.timestamp:
        alpha = self.exp(- convert((block.timestamp - last_timestamp) * 10**18 / TVL_MA_TIME, int256))
    n_price_pairs: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs

    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n_price_pairs:
        tvl: uint256 = self.last_tvl[i]
        if alpha != 10**18:
            # alpha = 1.0 when dt = 0
            # alpha = 0.0 when dt = inf
            new_tvl: uint256 = self.price_pairs[i].pool.totalSupply()  # We don't do virtual price here to save on gas
            tvl = (new_tvl * (10**18 - alpha) + tvl * alpha) / 10**18

    return tvls

Aggregated crvUSD Price Calculation

The _price function then uses these EMA TVLs to calculate the aggregated price of crvUSD by considering the liquidity of each pool. The function adjusts the price from the pool's price_oracle based on the coin index of crvUSD in the liquidity pool.

Source code for _price
def _price(tvls: DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]) -> uint256:
    n: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs
    prices: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    D: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    Dsum: uint256 = 0
    DPsum: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        price_pair: PricePair = self.price_pairs[i]
        pool_supply: uint256 = tvls[i]
        if pool_supply >= MIN_LIQUIDITY:
            p: uint256 = price_pair.pool.price_oracle()
            if price_pair.is_inverse:
                p = 10**36 / p
            prices[i] = p
            D[i] = pool_supply
            Dsum += pool_supply
            DPsum += pool_supply * p
    if Dsum == 0:
        return 10**18  # Placeholder for no active pools
    p_avg: uint256 = DPsum / Dsum
    e: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    e_min: uint256 = max_value(uint256)
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        p: uint256 = prices[i]
        e[i] = (max(p, p_avg) - min(p, p_avg))**2 / (SIGMA**2 / 10**18)
        e_min = min(e[i], e_min)
    wp_sum: uint256 = 0
    w_sum: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        w: uint256 = D[i] * self.exp(-convert(e[i] - e_min, int256)) / 10**18
        w_sum += w
        wp_sum += w * prices[i]
    return wp_sum / w_sum

In the calculation process, the contract iterates over all price pairs to perform the following steps:

  • Storing the price of crvUSD in a prices[i] array for each pool with enough liquidity.
  • Storing each pool's TVL in D[i], adding this TVL to Dsum, and summing up the product of the crvUSD price and pool supply in DPsum.

Finally, the contract calculates an average price:

\[\text{average price} = \frac{\text{DPsum}}{\text{Dsum}}\]

Next, a variance measure e is computed for each pool's price relative to the average, adjusting by SIGMA to normalize:

\[\text{e}_i = \frac{(\max(p, p_{\text{avg}}) - \min(p, p_{\text{avg}}))^2}{\frac{\text{SIGMA}^2}{10^{18}}}\]
\[\text{e}_{min} = \min(\text{e}_i, \text{max_value(uint256)})\]

Applying an exponential decay based on these variance measures to weigh each pool's contribution to the final average price, reducing the influence of prices far from the minimum variance.

\[w = \frac{\text{D}_i * e^\left({\text{e}_i - e_{min}}\right)}{10^{18}}\]

Next, sum up all w to store it in w_sum and calculate the product of w * prices[i], which is stored in wp_sum.

Finally, the weighted average price of crvUSD is calculated:

\[\text{final price} = \frac{\text{wp_sum}}{\text{w_sum}}\]

Price and TVL Methods


PriceAggregator3.price() -> uint256

Getter for the aggregated price of crvUSD based on the prices of crvUSD within different price_pairs.

Returns: aggregated crvUSD price (uint256).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

MAX_PAIRS: constant(uint256) = 20
MIN_LIQUIDITY: constant(uint256) = 100_000 * 10**18  # Only take into account pools with enough liquidity

STABLECOIN: immutable(address)
SIGMA: immutable(uint256)
price_pairs: public(PricePair[MAX_PAIRS])
n_price_pairs: uint256

last_timestamp: public(uint256)
last_tvl: public(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
TVL_MA_TIME: public(constant(uint256)) = 50000  # s
last_price: public(uint256)

def price() -> uint256:
    return self._price(self._ema_tvl())

def _price(tvls: DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]) -> uint256:
    n: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs
    prices: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    D: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    Dsum: uint256 = 0
    DPsum: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        price_pair: PricePair = self.price_pairs[i]
        pool_supply: uint256 = tvls[i]
        if pool_supply >= MIN_LIQUIDITY:
            p: uint256 = 0
            if price_pair.include_index:
                p = price_pair.pool.price_oracle(0)
                p = price_pair.pool.price_oracle()
            if price_pair.is_inverse:
                p = 10**36 / p
            prices[i] = p
            D[i] = pool_supply
            Dsum += pool_supply
            DPsum += pool_supply * p
    if Dsum == 0:
        return 10**18  # Placeholder for no active pools
    p_avg: uint256 = DPsum / Dsum
    e: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    e_min: uint256 = max_value(uint256)
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        p: uint256 = prices[i]
        e[i] = (max(p, p_avg) - min(p, p_avg))**2 / (SIGMA**2 / 10**18)
        e_min = min(e[i], e_min)
    wp_sum: uint256 = 0
    w_sum: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        w: uint256 = D[i] * self.exp(-convert(e[i] - e_min, int256)) / 10**18
        w_sum += w
        wp_sum += w * prices[i]
    return wp_sum / w_sum

def _ema_tvl() -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]:
    tvls: DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS] = []
    last_timestamp: uint256 = self.last_timestamp
    alpha: uint256 = 10**18
    if last_timestamp < block.timestamp:
        alpha = self.exp(- convert((block.timestamp - last_timestamp) * 10**18 / TVL_MA_TIME, int256))
    n_price_pairs: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs

    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n_price_pairs:
        tvl: uint256 = self.last_tvl[i]
        if alpha != 10**18:
            # alpha = 1.0 when dt = 0
            # alpha = 0.0 when dt = inf
            new_tvl: uint256 = self.price_pairs[i].pool.totalSupply()  # We don't do virtual price here to save on gas
            tvl = (new_tvl * (10**18 - alpha) + tvl * alpha) / 10**18

    return tvls
>>> PriceAggregator3.price()


PriceAggregator3.price_w() -> uint256

Function to calculate the aggregated price of crvUSD based on the prices of crvUSD within different price_pairs. This function writes the price on the blockchain and additionally updates last_timestamp, last_tvl and last_price.

Returns: aggregated crvUSD price (uint256).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

MAX_PAIRS: constant(uint256) = 20
MIN_LIQUIDITY: constant(uint256) = 100_000 * 10**18  # Only take into account pools with enough liquidity

STABLECOIN: immutable(address)
SIGMA: immutable(uint256)
price_pairs: public(PricePair[MAX_PAIRS])
n_price_pairs: uint256

last_timestamp: public(uint256)
last_tvl: public(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
TVL_MA_TIME: public(constant(uint256)) = 50000  # s
last_price: public(uint256)

def price_w() -> uint256:
    if self.last_timestamp == block.timestamp:
        return self.last_price
        ema_tvl: DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS] = self._ema_tvl()
        self.last_timestamp = block.timestamp
        for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
            if i == len(ema_tvl):
            self.last_tvl[i] = ema_tvl[i]
        p: uint256 = self._price(ema_tvl)
        self.last_price = p
        return p

def _price(tvls: DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]) -> uint256:
    n: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs
    prices: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    D: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    Dsum: uint256 = 0
    DPsum: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        price_pair: PricePair = self.price_pairs[i]
        pool_supply: uint256 = tvls[i]
        if pool_supply >= MIN_LIQUIDITY:
            p: uint256 = 0
            if price_pair.include_index:
                p = price_pair.pool.price_oracle(0)
                p = price_pair.pool.price_oracle()
            if price_pair.is_inverse:
                p = 10**36 / p
            prices[i] = p
            D[i] = pool_supply
            Dsum += pool_supply
            DPsum += pool_supply * p
    if Dsum == 0:
        return 10**18  # Placeholder for no active pools
    p_avg: uint256 = DPsum / Dsum
    e: uint256[MAX_PAIRS] = empty(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
    e_min: uint256 = max_value(uint256)
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        p: uint256 = prices[i]
        e[i] = (max(p, p_avg) - min(p, p_avg))**2 / (SIGMA**2 / 10**18)
        e_min = min(e[i], e_min)
    wp_sum: uint256 = 0
    w_sum: uint256 = 0
    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n:
        w: uint256 = D[i] * self.exp(-convert(e[i] - e_min, int256)) / 10**18
        w_sum += w
        wp_sum += w * prices[i]
    return wp_sum / w_sum

def _ema_tvl() -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]:
    tvls: DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS] = []
    last_timestamp: uint256 = self.last_timestamp
    alpha: uint256 = 10**18
    if last_timestamp < block.timestamp:
        alpha = self.exp(- convert((block.timestamp - last_timestamp) * 10**18 / TVL_MA_TIME, int256))
    n_price_pairs: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs

    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n_price_pairs:
        tvl: uint256 = self.last_tvl[i]
        if alpha != 10**18:
            # alpha = 1.0 when dt = 0
            # alpha = 0.0 when dt = inf
            new_tvl: uint256 = self.price_pairs[i].pool.totalSupply()  # We don't do virtual price here to save on gas
            tvl = (new_tvl * (10**18 - alpha) + tvl * alpha) / 10**18

    return tvls
>>> PriceAggregator3.price_w()


PriceAggregator3.last_price() -> uint256: view

Getter for the last aggregated price of crvUSD. This variable was set to \(10^{18}\) (1.00) when initializing the contract and is updated to the current aggreagated crvUSD price every time price_w is called.

Returns: last aggregated price of crvUSD (uint256).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

last_price: public(uint256)

def __init__(stablecoin: address, sigma: uint256, admin: address):
    STABLECOIN = stablecoin
    SIGMA = sigma  # The change is so rare that we can change the whole thing altogether
    self.admin = admin
    self.last_price = 10**18
    self.last_timestamp = block.timestamp
>>> PriceAggregator3.last_price()


PriceAggregator3.last_timestamp() -> uint256: view

Getter for the last timestamp when the aggregated price of crvUSD was updated. This variable was populated with block.timestamp when initializing the contract and is updated to the current timestamp every time price_w is called. When adding a new price pair, its value is set to the totalSupply of the pair.

Returns: timestamp of the last price write (uint256).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

last_timestamp: public(uint256)
>>> PriceAggregator3.last_timestamp()


PriceAggregator3.ema_tvl() -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]

Getter for the exponential moving-average value of TVL across all price_pairs.

Returns: array of ema tvls (DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

MAX_PAIRS: constant(uint256) = 20
MIN_LIQUIDITY: constant(uint256) = 100_000 * 10**18  # Only take into account pools with enough liquidity

price_pairs: public(PricePair[MAX_PAIRS])
n_price_pairs: uint256

last_timestamp: public(uint256)
last_tvl: public(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
TVL_MA_TIME: public(constant(uint256)) = 50000  # s

def ema_tvl() -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]:
    return self._ema_tvl()

def _ema_tvl() -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS]:
    tvls: DynArray[uint256, MAX_PAIRS] = []
    last_timestamp: uint256 = self.last_timestamp
    alpha: uint256 = 10**18
    if last_timestamp < block.timestamp:
        alpha = self.exp(- convert((block.timestamp - last_timestamp) * 10**18 / TVL_MA_TIME, int256))
    n_price_pairs: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs

    for i in range(MAX_PAIRS):
        if i == n_price_pairs:
        tvl: uint256 = self.last_tvl[i]
        if alpha != 10**18:
            # alpha = 1.0 when dt = 0
            # alpha = 0.0 when dt = inf
            new_tvl: uint256 = self.price_pairs[i].pool.totalSupply()  # We don't do virtual price here to save on gas
            tvl = (new_tvl * (10**18 - alpha) + tvl * alpha) / 10**18

    return tvls
>>> PriceAggregator3.ema_tvl()
10085178042490008379928667, 11342234393448956020187903, 1388144609005835030282562, 784009711366175597305745


PriceAggregator3.last_tvl(arg0: uint256) -> uint256: view

Getter for the last ema tvl value of a price_pair. This variable is updated to the current ema tvl of the pool every time price_w is called. When adding a new price pair, its value is set to the totalSupply of the pair.

Returns: last ema tvl (uint256).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index of the price pair
Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

last_tvl: public(uint256[MAX_PAIRS])
>>> PriceAggregator3.last_tvl(0)

>>> PriceAggregator3.last_tvl(1)


PriceAggregator3.TVL_MA_TIME() -> uint256: view

Getter for the time periodicity used to calculate the exponential moving-average of TVL.

Returns: ema periodicity (uint256).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

TVL_MA_TIME: public(constant(uint256)) = 50000  # s
>>> PriceAggregator3.TVL_MA_TIME()

Contract Info Methods


PriceAggregator3.SIGMA() -> uint256: view

Getter for the sigma value. SIGMA is a predefined constant that influences the adjustment of price deviations, affecting how variations in individual stablecoin prices contribute to the overall average stablecoin price. The value of sigma was set to 1000000000000000 when initializing the contract and the variable is immutale, meaning it can not be adjusted.

Returns: sigma value (uint256).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

SIGMA: immutable(uint256)

def __init__(stablecoin: address, sigma: uint256, admin: address):
    STABLECOIN = stablecoin
    SIGMA = sigma  # The change is so rare that we can change the whole thing altogether
    self.admin = admin
    self.last_price = 10**18
    self.last_timestamp = block.timestamp
>>> PriceAggregator3.sigma()


PriceAggregator3.STABLECOIN() -> uint256: view

Getter for the crvUSD contract address.

Returns: crvUSD contract (address).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

STABLECOIN: immutable(address)

def __init__(stablecoin: address, sigma: uint256, admin: address):
    STABLECOIN = stablecoin
    SIGMA = sigma  # The change is so rare that we can change the whole thing altogether
    self.admin = admin
    self.last_price = 10**18
    self.last_timestamp = block.timestamp
>>> PriceAggregator3.STABLECOIN()

Price Pairs

All liquidity pools used to calculate the aggregated price are stored in price_pairs. New price pairs can be added or removed by the DAO using add_price_pair and remove_price_pair.


PriceAggregator3.price_pairs(arg0: uint256) -> PricePair

Getter for the price pairs added to the PriceAggregator contract. New pairs can be added using the add_price_pair function.

Returns: PricePair struct consisting of the pool (address) amd of it is inverse (bool).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Index of the price pair
Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

=== PriceAggregator3.vy"

struct PricePair:
    pool: Stableswap
    is_inverse: bool
    include_index: bool

price_pairs: public(PricePair[MAX_PAIRS])
struct PricePair:
    pool: Stableswap
    is_inverse: bool
    include_index: bool

price_pairs: public(PricePair[MAX_PAIRS])
>>> PriceAggregator3.price_pairs(0)     # PriceAggregator on Ethereum
'0x4DEcE678ceceb27446b35C672dC7d61F30bAD69E, false'

>>> PriceAggregator3.price_pairs(0)     # PriceAggregator on Arbitrum
'0xec090cf6DD891D2d014beA6edAda6e05E025D93d, true, true'


PriceAggregator3.add_price_pair(_pool: Stableswap)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to add a new price pair to the PriceAggregator.

Emits: AddPricePair

Input Type Description
_pool address Pool to add as price pair
Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

event AddPricePair:
    n: uint256
    pool: Stableswap
    is_inverse: bool

price_pairs: public(PricePair[MAX_PAIRS])
n_price_pairs: uint256

def add_price_pair(_pool: Stableswap):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    price_pair: PricePair = empty(PricePair)
    price_pair.pool = _pool
    coins: address[2] = [_pool.coins(0), _pool.coins(1)]
    if coins[0] == STABLECOIN:
        price_pair.is_inverse = True
        assert coins[1] == STABLECOIN
    n: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs
    self.price_pairs[n] = price_pair  # Should revert if too many pairs
    self.last_tvl[n] = _pool.totalSupply()
    self.n_price_pairs = n + 1
    log AddPricePair(n, _pool, price_pair.is_inverse)
>>> soon


PriceAggregator3.remove_price_pair(n: uint256)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to remove the price pair at index n from the PriceAggregator.

Emits: RemovePricePair and conditionally MovePricePair1.

Input Type Description
n uint256 Index of the price pair to remove
Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

event RemovePricePair:
    n: uint256

event MovePricePair:
    n_from: uint256
    n_to: uint256

price_pairs: public(PricePair[MAX_PAIRS])
n_price_pairs: uint256

def remove_price_pair(n: uint256):
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    n_max: uint256 = self.n_price_pairs - 1
    assert n <= n_max

    if n < n_max:
        self.price_pairs[n] = self.price_pairs[n_max]
        log MovePricePair(n_max, n)
    self.n_price_pairs = n_max
    log RemovePricePair(n)
>>> soon

Contract Ownership

The contract follows the classical two-step ownership model used in various other Curve contracts:


PriceAggregator3.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the current admin of the contract.

Returns: current admin (address).

Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

admin: public(address)

def __init__(stablecoin: address, sigma: uint256, admin: address):
    STABLECOIN = stablecoin
    SIGMA = sigma  # The change is so rare that we can change the whole thing altogether
    self.admin = admin
    self.last_price = 10**18
    self.last_timestamp = block.timestamp
>>> soon


PriceAggregator3.set_admin(_admin: address)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set a new adderss as the admin of the contract.

Emits: SetAdmin

Input Type Description
_admin uint256 New address to set the admin to
Source code

The following source code includes all changes up to commit hash 86cae3a; any changes made after this commit are not included.

event SetAdmin:
    admin: address

admin: public(address)

def set_admin(_admin: address):
    # We are not doing commit / apply because the owner will be a voting DAO anyway
    # which has vote delays
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.admin = _admin
    log SetAdmin(_admin)
>>> soon

  1. MovePricePair event is emitted when the removed price pair is not the last one which was added. In this case, price pairs need to be adjusted accordingly.