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Source code for the PegKeeperV2.vy contract is available on GitHub.

Stabilization Method Enhancement in PegKeeperV2

The PegKeeperV2 retains the overarching stabilization approach of its predecessor, PegKeeperV1, through the update function. This function adapts its operations based on varying conditions to take appropriate measures for maintaining stability.

A significant evolution from PegKeeperV1 is the integration with the PegKeeperRegulator contract. This new contract plays a crucial role in granting allowance to the PegKeepers to deposit into or withdraw from the liquidity pool. Depositing increases the debt of a PegKeeper, while withdrawing reduces it.

For a detailed overview on the additional checks implemented, please see: Providing1 and Withdrawing.


PegKeeperV2.update(_beneficiary: address = msg.sender) -> uint256

Function to provide or withdraw coins from the pool to stabilize it. The _beneficiary address is awarded a share of the profits for calling the function. There is a delay determined by the action_delay variable before the function can be called again. If it is called prior to that, the function will return 0. The maximum amount to provide is to get the pool to a 50/50 balance. Obviously, the PegKeeper is ultimately limited by its own balance of crvUSD. It can't deposit more than it has.
If a PegKeeper is ultimately allowed to deposit or withdraw is determined by the PegKeeperRegulator.

Returns: amount of profit received by the beneficiary (uint256).

Emits: Provide or Withdraw

Input Type Description
_beneficiary address Address to receive the caller profit. Defaults to msg.sender
Source code for providing crvUSD to the pool
event Provide:
    amount: uint256

action_delay: uint256

POOL: immutable(CurvePool)
I: immutable(uint256)  # index of pegged in pool

def update(_beneficiary: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Provide or withdraw coins from the pool to stabilize it
    @param _beneficiary Beneficiary address
    @return Amount of profit received by beneficiary
    if self.last_change + self.action_delay > block.timestamp:
        return 0

    balance_pegged: uint256 = POOL.balances(I)
    balance_peg: uint256 = POOL.balances(1 - I) * PEG_MUL

    initial_profit: uint256 = self._calc_profit()

    if balance_peg > balance_pegged:
        allowed: uint256 = self.regulator.provide_allowed()
        assert allowed > 0, "Regulator ban"
        self._provide(min(unsafe_sub(balance_peg, balance_pegged) / 5, allowed))  # this dumps stablecoin

        allowed: uint256 = self.regulator.withdraw_allowed()
        assert allowed > 0, "Regulator ban"
        self._withdraw(min(unsafe_sub(balance_pegged, balance_peg) / 5, allowed))  # this pumps stablecoin

    # Send generated profit
    new_profit: uint256 = self._calc_profit()
    assert new_profit > initial_profit, "peg unprofitable"
    lp_amount: uint256 = new_profit - initial_profit
    caller_profit: uint256 = lp_amount * self.caller_share / SHARE_PRECISION
    if caller_profit > 0:
        POOL.transfer(_beneficiary, caller_profit)

    return caller_profit

def _provide(_amount: uint256):
    @notice Implementation of provide
    @dev Coins should be already in the contract
    if _amount == 0:

    amount: uint256 = min(_amount, PEGGED.balanceOf(self))

    if IS_NG:
        amounts: DynArray[uint256, 2] = [0, 0]
        amounts[I] = amount
        CurvePoolNG(POOL.address).add_liquidity(amounts, 0)
        amounts: uint256[2] = empty(uint256[2])
        amounts[I] = amount
        CurvePoolOld(POOL.address).add_liquidity(amounts, 0)

    self.last_change = block.timestamp
    self.debt += amount
    log Provide(amount)

def _calc_profit() -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate PegKeeper's profit using current values
    return self._calc_profit_from(POOL.balanceOf(self), POOL.get_virtual_price(), self.debt)

def _calc_profit_from(lp_balance: uint256, virtual_price: uint256, debt: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice PegKeeper's profit calculation formula
    lp_debt: uint256 = debt * PRECISION / virtual_price

    if lp_balance <= lp_debt:
        return 0
        return lp_balance - lp_debt
def provide_allowed(_pk: address=msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Allow PegKeeper to provide stablecoin into the pool
    @dev Can return more amount than available
    @dev Checks
        1) current price in range of oracle in case of spam-attack
        2) current price location among other pools in case of contrary coin depeg
        3) stablecoin price is above 1
    @return Amount of stablecoin allowed to provide
    if self.is_killed in Killed.Provide:
        return 0

    if self.aggregator.price() < ONE:
        return 0

    price: uint256 = max_value(uint256)  # Will fail if PegKeeper is not in self.price_pairs
    largest_price: uint256 = 0
    debt_ratios: DynArray[uint256, MAX_LEN] = []
    for info in self.peg_keepers:
        price_oracle: uint256 = self._get_price_oracle(info)
        if info.peg_keeper.address == _pk:
            price = price_oracle
            if not self._price_in_range(price, self._get_price(info)):
                return 0
        elif largest_price < price_oracle:
            largest_price = price_oracle

    if largest_price < unsafe_sub(price, self.worst_price_threshold):
        return 0

    debt: uint256 = PegKeeper(_pk).debt()
    total: uint256 = debt + STABLECOIN.balanceOf(_pk)
    return self._get_max_ratio(debt_ratios) * total / ONE - debt
Source code for withdrawing crvUSD from the pool
event Withdraw:
    amount: uint256

action_delay: uint256

def update(_beneficiary: address = msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Provide or withdraw coins from the pool to stabilize it
    @param _beneficiary Beneficiary address
    @return Amount of profit received by beneficiary
    if self.last_change + self.action_delay > block.timestamp:
        return 0

    balance_pegged: uint256 = POOL.balances(I)
    balance_peg: uint256 = POOL.balances(1 - I) * PEG_MUL

    initial_profit: uint256 = self._calc_profit()

    if balance_peg > balance_pegged:
        allowed: uint256 = self.regulator.provide_allowed()
        assert allowed > 0, "Regulator ban"
        self._provide(min(unsafe_sub(balance_peg, balance_pegged) / 5, allowed))  # this dumps stablecoin

        allowed: uint256 = self.regulator.withdraw_allowed()
        assert allowed > 0, "Regulator ban"
        self._withdraw(min(unsafe_sub(balance_pegged, balance_peg) / 5, allowed))  # this pumps stablecoin

    # Send generated profit
    new_profit: uint256 = self._calc_profit()
    assert new_profit > initial_profit, "peg unprofitable"
    lp_amount: uint256 = new_profit - initial_profit
    caller_profit: uint256 = lp_amount * self.caller_share / SHARE_PRECISION
    if caller_profit > 0:
        POOL.transfer(_beneficiary, caller_profit)

    return caller_profit

def _withdraw(_amount: uint256):
    @notice Implementation of withdraw
    if _amount == 0:

    debt: uint256 = self.debt
    amount: uint256 = min(_amount, debt)

    if IS_NG:
        amounts: DynArray[uint256, 2] = [0, 0]
        amounts[I] = amount
        CurvePoolNG(POOL.address).remove_liquidity_imbalance(amounts, max_value(uint256))
        amounts: uint256[2] = empty(uint256[2])
        amounts[I] = amount
        CurvePoolOld(POOL.address).remove_liquidity_imbalance(amounts, max_value(uint256))

    self.last_change = block.timestamp
    self.debt = debt - amount

    log Withdraw(amount)

def _calc_profit() -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate PegKeeper's profit using current values
    return self._calc_profit_from(POOL.balanceOf(self), POOL.get_virtual_price(), self.debt)

def _calc_profit_from(lp_balance: uint256, virtual_price: uint256, debt: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice PegKeeper's profit calculation formula
    lp_debt: uint256 = debt * PRECISION / virtual_price

    if lp_balance <= lp_debt:
        return 0
        return lp_balance - lp_debt
def withdraw_allowed(_pk: address=msg.sender) -> uint256:
    @notice Allow Peg Keeper to withdraw stablecoin from the pool
    @dev Can return more amount than available
    @dev Checks
        1) current price in range of oracle in case of spam-attack
        2) stablecoin price is below 1
    @return Amount of stablecoin allowed to withdraw
    if self.is_killed in Killed.Withdraw:
        return 0

    if self.aggregator.price() > ONE:
        return 0

    i: uint256 = self.peg_keeper_i[PegKeeper(_pk)]
    if i > 0:
        info: PegKeeperInfo = self.peg_keepers[i - 1]
        if self._price_in_range(self._get_price(info), self._get_price_oracle(info)):
            return max_value(uint256)
    return 0
>>> soon


PegKeeperV2.last_change() -> uint256: view

Getter for the last time a change in debt occurred. This variable is set to block.timestamp whenever the PegKeeper provides or withdraws crvUSD by calling update.

Returns: timestamp (uint256).

Source code
last_change: public(uint256)
>>> PegKeeperV2.last_change()

Calculating and Withdrawing Profits

By providing and withdrawing assets through liquidity pools, the PegKeeper generates profit.

The PegKeeper has a caller share mechanism, which incentivizes external users to call the update function. This mechanism ensures that the PegKeeper operates efficiently and maintains the peg by distributing a portion of the profit to the caller.

The profit generated by the PegKeeper is denominated in LP tokens. When profit is withdrawn using the withdraw_profit function, it is transferred to the universal fee receiver specified in the PegKeeperRegulator contract.


PegKeeperV2.calc_profit() -> uint256

Function to calculate the generated profit in LP tokens. This profit calculation does not include already withdrawn profit; it represents the full profit accumulated so far. The profit is calculated using the following formula:

\[\text{profit} = \max(0, B_{LP} - \frac{\text{debt} \times 10^{18}}{VP_{LP}})\]


  • \(B_{LP}\) is the LP token balance of the PegKeeper.
  • \(VP_{LP}\) is the virtual price of the LP token.
  • \(\text{debt}\) is the current debt of the PegKeeper (denominated in crvUSD).

Returns: calculated profit in LP tokens (uint256).

Source code
def calc_profit() -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate generated profit in LP tokens. Does NOT include already withdrawn profit
    @return Amount of generated profit
    return self._calc_profit()

def _calc_profit() -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate PegKeeper's profit using current values
    return self._calc_profit_from(POOL.balanceOf(self), POOL.get_virtual_price(), self.debt)

def _calc_profit_from(lp_balance: uint256, virtual_price: uint256, debt: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice PegKeeper's profit calculation formula
    lp_debt: uint256 = debt * PRECISION / virtual_price

    if lp_balance <= lp_debt:
        return 0
        return lp_balance - lp_debt
>>> PegKeeperV2.calc_profit()


PegKeeperV2.estimate_caller_profit() -> uint256


This estimation is not precise and tends to be conservative, as the actual profit might be higher due to the increasing virtual price over time.

Function to estimate the profit that a caller would receive from calling the update() function.

Returns: estimated caller profit (uint256).

Source code
I: immutable(uint256)  # index of pegged in pool

PEG_MUL: immutable(uint256)

def estimate_caller_profit() -> uint256:
    @notice Estimate profit from calling update()
    @dev This method is not precise, real profit is always more because of increasing virtual price
    @return Expected amount of profit going to beneficiary
    if self.last_change + self.action_delay > block.timestamp:
        return 0

    balance_pegged: uint256 = POOL.balances(I)
    balance_peg: uint256 = POOL.balances(1 - I) * PEG_MUL

    call_profit: uint256 = 0
    if balance_peg > balance_pegged:
        allowed: uint256 = self.regulator.provide_allowed()
        call_profit = self._calc_call_profit(min((balance_peg - balance_pegged) / 5, allowed), True)  # this dumps stablecoin

        allowed: uint256 = self.regulator.withdraw_allowed()
        call_profit = self._calc_call_profit(min((balance_pegged - balance_peg) / 5, allowed), False)  # this pumps stablecoin

    return call_profit * self.caller_share / SHARE_PRECISION

def _calc_call_profit(_amount: uint256, _is_deposit: bool) -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate overall profit from calling update()
    lp_balance: uint256 = POOL.balanceOf(self)
    virtual_price: uint256 = POOL.get_virtual_price()
    debt: uint256 = self.debt
    initial_profit: uint256 = self._calc_profit_from(lp_balance, virtual_price, debt)

    amount: uint256 = _amount
    if _is_deposit:
        amount = min(_amount, PEGGED.balanceOf(self))
        amount = min(_amount, debt)

    amounts: uint256[2] = empty(uint256[2])
    amounts[I] = amount
    lp_balance_diff: uint256 = POOL.calc_token_amount(amounts, _is_deposit)

    if _is_deposit:
        lp_balance += lp_balance_diff
        debt += amount
        lp_balance -= lp_balance_diff
        debt -= amount

    new_profit: uint256 = self._calc_profit_from(lp_balance, virtual_price, debt)
    if new_profit <= initial_profit:
        return 0
    return new_profit - initial_profit

def _calc_profit_from(lp_balance: uint256, virtual_price: uint256, debt: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice PegKeeper's profit calculation formula
    lp_debt: uint256 = debt * PRECISION / virtual_price

    if lp_balance <= lp_debt:
        return 0
        return lp_balance - lp_debt
>>> PegKeeperV2.estimate_caller_profit()


PegKeeperV2.caller_share() -> uint256: view

Getter for the caller share, which represents the share of the profit generated when the update() function is called. This share is designed to incentivize users to call the function. SHARE_PRECISION is set to \(10^5\).

Returns: caller share (uint256)

Source code
event SetNewCallerShare:
    caller_share: uint256

caller_share: public(uint256)

def __init__(
    _pool: CurvePool, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account
    assert _caller_share <= SHARE_PRECISION  # dev: bad part value
    self.caller_share = _caller_share
    log SetNewCallerShare(_caller_share)
>>> PegKeeperV2.caller_share()


PegKeeperV2.set_new_caller_share(_new_caller_share: uint256)

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to set a new caller share. New share need to be smaller or equal than SHARE_PRECISION, which is \(10^5\).

Emits: SetNewCallerShare

Input Type Description
_new_caller_share uint256 New caller share
Source code
event SetNewCallerShare:
    caller_share: uint256

SHARE_PRECISION: constant(uint256) = 10 ** 5
caller_share: public(uint256)

admin: public(address)

def set_new_caller_share(_new_caller_share: uint256):
    @notice Set new update caller's part
    @param _new_caller_share Part with SHARE_PRECISION
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: only admin
    assert _new_caller_share <= SHARE_PRECISION  # dev: bad part value

    self.caller_share = _new_caller_share

    log SetNewCallerShare(_new_caller_share)
>>> soon


PegKeeperV2.withdraw_profit() -> uint256

Function to withdraw the profit generated by the PegKeeper. The profit is denominated in LP tokens and is transfered to the fee_receiver specified in the PegKeeperRegulator contract.

Returns: LP tokens withdrawn (uint256).

Source code
interface Regulator:
    def stablecoin() -> address: view
    def provide_allowed(_pk: address=msg.sender) -> uint256: view
    def withdraw_allowed(_pk: address=msg.sender) -> uint256: view
    def fee_receiver() -> address: view

def withdraw_profit() -> uint256:
    @notice Withdraw profit generated by Peg Keeper
    @return Amount of LP Token received
    lp_amount: uint256 = self._calc_profit()
    POOL.transfer(self.regulator.fee_receiver(), lp_amount)

    log Profit(lp_amount)

    return lp_amount

def _calc_profit() -> uint256:
    @notice Calculate PegKeeper's profit using current values
    return self._calc_profit_from(POOL.balanceOf(self), POOL.get_virtual_price(), self.debt)

def _calc_profit_from(lp_balance: uint256, virtual_price: uint256, debt: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice PegKeeper's profit calculation formula
    lp_debt: uint256 = debt * PRECISION / virtual_price

    if lp_balance <= lp_debt:
        return 0
        return lp_balance - lp_debt
>>> soon

Action Delay

The action_delay variable determines the time delay that needs to pass before the PegKeeper can provide or withdraw liquidity again via the update function.


PegKeeperV2.action_delay() -> uint256


Due to the missed declaration as a public variable, the action_delay does not have a public getter method that returns its value. Nonetheless, this does not impact the workings of the smart contract. Although there is no public getter, a new event is emitted when the variable is changed using the set_new_action_delay function.

The action_delay was set to 12 seconds at contract initialization and an according SetNewActionDelay was emitted.

Source code
def __init__(
    _pool: CurvePool, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account
    self.action_delay = 12  # 1 block
    log SetNewActionDelay(12)

# Time between providing/withdrawing coins
action_delay: uint256


PegKeeperV2.set_new_action_delay(_new_action_delay: uint256)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to set a new action_delay value.

Emits: SetNewActionDelay

Input Type Description
_new_action_delay uint256 New action delay value
Source code
event SetNewActionDelay:
    action_delay: uint256

# Time between providing/withdrawing coins
action_delay: uint256

def set_new_action_delay(_new_action_delay: uint256):
    @notice Set new action delay
    @param _new_action_delay Action delay in seconds
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: only admin

    self.action_delay = _new_action_delay

    log SetNewActionDelay(_new_action_delay)
>>> soon

PegKeeperRegulator Contract

The main use case of the PegKeeperRegulator contract is to supervise prices and other parameters, and to inform the PegKeeper whether it is allowed to provide or withdraw crvUSD. All PegKeepers share the same universal Regulator contract. More details on the PegKeeperRegulator contract can be found here.


PegKeeperV2.regulator() -> address: view

Getter for the PegKeeperRegulator contract. This contract can be changed by the admin via the set_new_regulator function.

Returns: regulator contract (address).

Emits: SetNewRegulator at contract initialization

Source code
event SetNewRegulator:
    regulator: address

regulator: public(Regulator)

def __init__(
    _pool: CurvePool, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account
    self.regulator = _regulator
    log SetNewRegulator(_regulator.address)
>>> PegKeeperV2.regulator()


PegKeeperV2.set_new_regulator(_new_regulator: Regulator)

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to set a new regulator contract.

Emits: SetNewRegulator

Input Type Description
_new_regulator address New regulator contract
Source code
event SetNewRegulator:
    regulator: address

regulator: public(Regulator)

def set_new_regulator(_new_regulator: Regulator):
    @notice Set new peg keeper regulator
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: only admin
    assert _new_regulator.address != empty(address)  # dev: bad regulator

    self.regulator = _new_regulator
    log SetNewRegulator(_new_regulator.address)
>>> soon

Contract Ownership

Ownership of the PegKeepers adheres to the standard procedure. The transition of ownership can only be done by the admin. Following this commit, the designated future_admin, specified at the time of commitment, is required to apply the changes to complete the change of ownership.


PegKeeperV2.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the current admin of the PegKeeper. The admin can only be changed by the admin by via the commit_new_admin function.

Returns: current admin (address).

Emits: ApplyNewAdmin at contract initialization

Source code
event ApplyNewAdmin:
    admin: address

admin: public(address)

def __init__(
    _pool: CurvePool, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account
    self.admin = _admin
    log ApplyNewAdmin(msg.sender)
>>> PegKeeperV2.admin()


PegKeeperV2.future_admin() -> address: view

Getter for the future admin of the PegKeeper. This variable is set when commiting a new admin.

Returns: future admin (address).

Source code
future_admin: public(address)
>>> PegKeeperV2.future_admin()


PegKeeperV2.commit_new_admin(_new_admin: address)

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract.

Function to commit _new_admin as the new admin of the PegKeeper. For the admin to change, the future admin need to apply the changes via apply_new_admin.

Emits: CommitNewAdmin

Input Type Description
_new_admin address New admin
Source code
event CommitNewAdmin:
    admin: address

admin: public(address)
future_admin: public(address)    

def commit_new_admin(_new_admin: address):
    @notice Commit new admin of the Peg Keeper
    @dev In order to revert, commit_new_admin(current_admin) may be called
    @param _new_admin Address of the new admin
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: only admin
    assert _new_admin != empty(address)  # dev: bad admin

    self.new_admin_deadline = block.timestamp + ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY
    self.future_admin = _new_admin

    log CommitNewAdmin(_new_admin)
>>> soon



Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the future_admin of the contract.

Function to apply the new admin. This method sets the future_admin set in commit_new_admin as the new admin. Additionally, there is a delay of three days (ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY) starting with the commit_new_admin call. Only after the delay has passed can the new admin be applied.

Emits: ApplyNewAdmin

Source code
event ApplyNewAdmin:
    admin: address

ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY: constant(uint256) = 3 * 86400

admin: public(address)
future_admin: public(address)    

def apply_new_admin():
    @notice Apply new admin of the Peg Keeper
    @dev Should be executed from new admin
    new_admin: address = self.future_admin
    new_admin_deadline: uint256 = self.new_admin_deadline
    assert msg.sender == new_admin  # dev: only new admin
    assert block.timestamp >= new_admin_deadline  # dev: insufficient time
    assert new_admin_deadline != 0  # dev: no active action

    self.admin = new_admin
    self.new_admin_deadline = 0

    log ApplyNewAdmin(new_admin)
>>> soon


PegKeeperV2.new_admin_deadline() -> uint256: view

Getter for the admin deadline. When commiting a new admin, there is a delay of three days (ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY) before the change of ownership can be applied. Otherwise the call will revert.

Returns: timestamp after which the new admin can be applied (uint256)

Source code
new_admin_deadline: public(uint256)
>>> PegKeeperV2.new_admin_deadline()

Contract Info Methods


PegKeeperV2.debt() -> uint256: view

Getter for the current debt of the PegKeeper. Debt increases when crvUSD is provided to the liquidity pool and decreases when crvUSD is withdrawn again. The debt is denominated in crvUSD tokens.

Returns: current debt (uint256).

Source code
debt: public(uint256)
>>> PegKeeperV2.debt()


PegKeeperV2.pool() -> address: view

Getter for the pool that the PegKeeper provides to or withdraws from.

Returns: liquidity pool (address).

Source code
POOL: immutable(CurvePool)

def pool() -> CurvePool:
    @return StableSwap pool being used
    return POOL

def __init__( 
    _pool: CurvePool, _receiver: address, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _receiver Receiver of the profit
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account
    POOL = _pool
>>> PegKeeperV2.pool()


PegKeeperV2.FACTORY() -> address: view

Getter for the Factory contract. This address is able to take coins away in the case of reducing the debt limit of a PegKeeper. Due to this, maximum approval is granted to this address when initializing the contract.

Returns: Factory (address).

Source code
FACTORY: immutable(address)

def __init__( 
    _pool: CurvePool, _receiver: address, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _receiver Receiver of the profit
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account
    pegged.approve(_factory, max_value(uint256))
    FACTORY = _factory
>>> PegKeeperV2.FACTORY()


PegKeeperV2.pegged() -> address: view

Getter for the pegged coin, which is crvUSD.

Returns: pegged coin (address).

Source code
PEGGED: immutable(ERC20)

def __init__( 
    _pool: CurvePool, _receiver: address, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _receiver Receiver of the profit
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account
    pegged: ERC20 = ERC20(_regulator.stablecoin())
    PEGGED = pegged
    pegged.approve(_pool.address, max_value(uint256))
    pegged.approve(_factory, max_value(uint256))
>>> PegKeeperV2.pegged()


PegKeeperV2.IS_INVERSE() -> bool: view

Getter to check if crvUSD token index in the pool is inverse. This variable is set when initializing the contract. If crvUSD is coin[0] in the liquidity pool, IS_INVERSE will be set to true. This variable is not directly relevant in the PegKeeper contract, but it is of great importance in the PegKeeperRegulator regarding calculations with oracles.

Returns: true or false (bool).

Source code
IS_INVERSE: public(immutable(bool))

def __init__( 
    _pool: CurvePool, _receiver: address, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _receiver Receiver of the profit
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account
    for i in range(2):
        if coins[i] == pegged:
            I = i
            IS_INVERSE = (i == 0)
            PEG_MUL = 10 ** (18 - coins[i].decimals())
>>> PegKeeperV2.IS_INVERSE()


PegKeeperV2.IS_NG() -> bool: view

Getter to check if the pool associated with the PegKeeper is a new generation (NG) pool. This is important when adding and removing liquidity, as the interface of NG pools is slightly different from the prior ones.

Returns: true or false (bool).

Source code
IS_NG: public(immutable(bool))  # Interface for CurveStableSwapNG

def __init__(
    _pool: CurvePool, _caller_share: uint256,
    _factory: address, _regulator: Regulator, _admin: address,
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param _pool Contract pool address
    @param _caller_share Caller's share of profit
    @param _factory Factory which should be able to take coins away
    @param _regulator Peg Keeper Regulator
    @param _admin Admin account

    IS_NG = raw_call(
        _pool.address, _abi_encode(convert(0, uint256), method_id=method_id("price_oracle(uint256)")),

>>> PegKeeperV2.IS_NG()

  1. In this context, "providing" is the terminology adopted by the new PegKeeper to describe the act of depositing crvUSD into a liquidity pool, marking a shift from the conventional term "depositing."